Living Room Strategy
Postr is an Android mobile application that allows you to rent out your lock screen and get paid per ads viewed. As Co-founder and CCO of Postr, I developed and executed the brand as well as architected and designed both the mobile application and website. I created the overall marketing strategy which entailed executing an App launch campaign, developing and maintaining social media presence, and creating and placing both traditional and digital ads. Visit the Postr website or Postr Google Play.
My role
• Co-founder and CCO
• Branding (Adobe CS)
• Wireframing (Axure)
• Prototyping & User Testing (Axure)
• UX/UI design
• Marketing & User Acquisition
Lock Screen Advertising
Keeping our users happy meant there had to be a constant flow of lock screen advertising. Our sales team worked rigorously with advertising agencies and small business owners to fill the days with ads. I received creative assets from client and produced lock screen versions of the ads to Postrs specifications. With a handheld device we were able to target ads by location, gender, and age.
Wireframes & Userflow
UX & UI Design
Lock Screen Advertising
Keeping our users happy meant there had to be a constant flow of lock screen advertising. Our sales team worked rigorously with advertising agencies and small business owners to fill the days with ads. I received creative assets from client and produced lock screen versions of the ads to Postrs specifications. With a handheld device we were able to target ads by location, gender, and age.